Taunton Baptist Church - Youth


Activities for 11-16 year olds


Sparkz is our Sunday morning group for 11-16 year olds, where we enjoy studying God’s word together, playing games, discussing life’s big questions and having fun! 

We meet during the church service which starts at 10.30am. We gather in the balcony and leave after 15 mins for our own session.


The church takes its responsibilities in safeguarding all children, young people and adults at risk seriously. View our Safeguarding statement and Safeguarding policy and procedures document.

Walk on the Wildside

The Sparkz group enjoyed an outing together recently. 11 young people plus 3 adults piled into a Blakes minibus driven by Peter to spend the afternoon at Wildside Experience, near Hemyock.

They write: “We were met by Richard and Allison, our hosts for the afternoon. We went into a field under the parachute seating area and had the packed lunch we had brought with us.

“After lunch Richard showed us some of the wonders of God’s natural world – tadpoles, fieldmouse nests, swallows eggs and we listened to the birdsong around us. After an orienteering exercise, we were introduced to their sheep and newly born lambs.

“We went across the road to see their pigs and then onto the two different clutches of chickens and were introduced to their three shetland ponies and were able to lead them on ropes. Then we all [yes, even the adults!!] had a go or two on the zipwire slide in one part of the woods.

“After a fabulous pasta meal in the barn, we all made personalised wooden medallions and then headed back to the parachute area, where we made S’mores [melted marshmallow squished between two chocolate digestive biscuits]

“After a quick feedback session around the fire, Joy thanked Richard and Allison on our behalf and headed home. A superb time was had by all and there was a lot of praise to God and his wonderful natural world throughout the afternoon.”