A warm welcome awaits anyone who would like to join us for a song, prayer and short talk followed by a chat and refreshments; 2.30pm – 3.45pm on Tuesdays.
7th January: Tracey Prentice – “Beginnings
4th February: Mike Newberry – Chaplain to the West Somerset Railway (Part 2)
4th March: Diane Woosley – ‘Jamaica Revisited’
1st April: ‘Music for Easter’
6th May: Michael Hardie – The Leprosy Mission
3rd June: Hilary M. Allen – ‘My Poems’ (Poetry books Published)
1st July: SUMMER MEAL – prepared by Jane and Julian Morant
5th August: ‘2010 – TBC Pew-less-ness’
Previous Talks
Nick O’Donnell – “A Year in Service”
James McKee – “Finding Kingdom Treasure“
Major Lindsay Toy – “Fireworks”
Mike Wager – “Christmas with Mike
Members Afternoon – bring and share memories of Easter
Mike Davidson ‘The foundation of Taunton & Somerset Hospital 1809-1814’
Martin Ingrams ‘My life as a postman’
Ron Powell ‘A tour of the Holy Land’
Mary Hart ‘My journey of faith’
Outing to Dunster and Minehead (courtesy of Blakes Coaches)