An opportunity for all ladies to meet on an informal basis for social activities, with speakers talking on a range of topics. A great way of making new friends!
“Girls” Together meet on the 3rd Thursday morning of the month at 10.15am.
You will receive a warm welcome if you join us.
A tour of Bishops Lydeard Mill, with a working watermill renovated in 2003, followed by afternoon tea in Dusty Miller’s cafe. With special thanks to Yvonne and Charlie Back.
Afternoon tea in Tony and Linda Shaw’s garden, with husbands invited too!
Eleven of our “Girls” Together met up at 10 a.m. for coffee in the Courtyard, followed by a guided tour of the Museum of Somerset at 10.45, by a wonderful Guide called Kate Fawcett (who kindly took the photo!).
My Life in Music – presented by Mike Wager
The benefits of house plants with Gillian Turner followed by Coffee and Cakes
Bring and share afternoon tea with Christmas music.
Janet Gillett speaking on her journey.
Mike Wager speaking on “Recollections of a retired French Schoolmaster”.