Taunton Baptist Church - I’m new…

I’m new…

We love to welcome new people here at Taunton Baptist Church! Whether you have already joined us on a Sunday or at one of our many midweek activities, or you are thinking of attending, here's some answers to questions you may be asking!

What happens on Sundays?

  • We meet at 10.30am for around 1-11/2 hours followed by tea/coffee;
  • There is no specific dress code, most people wear ‘smart casual’;
  • We will not ask for any money;
  • Further details here.

What about children?

  • They will be with you in the service for the first 20 mins and can then go out for their own aged-related groups – further details here.

Where are you?

  • The church building is in the centre of Taunton – map and further details here.

What do you believe?

  • We are part of the Baptist Union – further details here.

What’s on during the week?

Come and find out more!

Complete the form below so we can get in touch..


    Add any further details or message you would like passed on