Children and young people are an important part of our church family. They are not just the church of tomorrow but the church of today!
At TBC we are committed to supporting you as a family both practically and spiritually, and have lots of groups and activities throughout the week for children, young people and their families, as well as our Sunday morning discipleship and teaching groups.
You can keep updated with how we want to stay connected with you by checking this page and the group pages regularly, or by visiting and “liking” our Facebook page – Taunton Baptist Children and Families.
The church takes its responsibilities in safeguarding all children, young people and adults at risk seriously. View our Safeguarding statement and Safeguarding policy and procedures document.
Sunday Stars meet every Sunday morning during the church service at 10:30am.
Currently we only have one group together in the Trull room on a Sunday morning but hope with more helpers to split the group into different ages at a later date.
We leave together after the first set of worship and then spend time together following our own series.
Toddler group is for babies and toddlers aged 0-4 and their parents/carers. This is a drop-in session so no need to pre-book.
We run every Monday 9:30am + 1:30pm and Tuesday 9:30am during term time.
We also have a Baby group on a Thursday morning at 10am during term time.
This group is for babies under 1 (not yet walking) and parents/carers.
This is also a drop-in session with no need to pre-book.
Regular updates and information about these sessions can be found on our Facebook page.
Messy Church is for the whole family on the second Saturday of the month at 4pm.
Enjoy learning more about God in a fun and Messy way and join us for a meal afterwards!
We are currently on a break for the summer but look forward to seeing everyone again in September.
You can visit and “like” our Facebook page – Taunton Baptist Children and Families.
Visit our Facebook pageWe’ve compiled a list of children’s songs into a YouTube playlist.
Watch YouTube playlist