Taunton Baptist Church - Adults


Living and learning together in the name of Jesus


Home groups – whilst being an opportunity for fellowship, home groups are also an important way of learning more about God and His plans for us, through His Word, the Bible.

Prayer Cells – the opportunity to meet with 2 or 3 other people to support one another and pray for each other, the church, the community and the world


Coffee Plus – an opportunity to meet up for coffee and join in a wide variety of activities; 10:00am – 12:30pm on Fridays.

Girls Together – an opportunity to meet together for friendship and fellowship; 10:15am on the third Thursday in the month.

Knit & Natter – an opportunity to get out your knitting needles and have a chat; 10:00am – 12:00am on Saturdays.

Rendezvous – an opportunity to meet together for a song, prayer and short talk followed by a chat and refreshments; 2.30pm – 3.45pm on Tuesdays.